Organizations are investing more in marketing than ever before. There are more tools at a B2B marketer’s disposal than ever before. Marketing budgets are going up. However, putting together content marketing and lead generation strategies that stand out from the crowd and truly deliver results has become increasingly difficult.

To find out what is truly effective right now, check out Demand Gen Report’s ‘What’s Working in Demand Generation in 2019’ report. Three key highlights from the report that we see:

  1. It’s time to test ABM. Actually, it’s been time to test ABM for a while now. It’s no longer a buzzword, but rather a necessity for getting ahead. Once thought of as a tactic for only large enterprises, companies of all sizes are starting to play the ABM game. Spray and pray is out, and targeted, personalized campaigns are in. A multi-pronged approach is key and that’s what we stress with our Elastic Solutions Four-Pronged Approach to ABM Success.
  2. Webinars continue to be a killer lead-gen weapon. 58% of respondents to the 2019 Demand Generation Benchmark Report cited webinars as their most successful tactic for top-of-funnel engagement. Webinars are considered a ‘must do’ channel and new webinar formats will enable B2B marketers to increase prospect engagement, learn more about their prospects and drive more pipeline. If you’re looking to take you’re webinars up a notch, check out our on-demand webinar The Seven Pillars of an Effective Webinar Campaign.
  3. Build content with the customer in mind. While the goal of your content is to generate engagement and drive demand, don’t make your content a company commercial. Build it with the prospective customer in mind. Educate and inform your buyers, establish your brand as a thought leader and resource for them, and your content marketing ROI will greatly increase.

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Jason Stegent is the Founder & President of Elastic Solutions. Email him @